
Refund Policy

We believe in our products 100%. We are trying our best every day to make you happy and put a smile on your face using our service but we understand that it’s not easy for everyone. If you are not happy with your purchase or you have an issue that we are unable to solve which make the system unusable, we are more than happy to provide a refund.

How to make request for refund?

Please make a note of your transaction order ID with subject: “Request and refund” and describe in your e-mail the issues you are facing and the reason for this request. In some reasons you have to send us proofs and we will send you proofs as well of our work and things we notice and have to show you too to explain our point of view and our decision better in more details and more transparent. THIS IS OUR EMAIL : Support@iptelevisionprovider.com

OUR PHONE NUMBER : +44 739 883 48 09


Please do understand and accept that we can’t provide refunds due to technical issues unless you allow us to adequately try to solve them and assist you. If we are unable to resolve your issue within 48 hours, we will provide a refund. Please contact our live support 24/7 at any time if you need assistant.

Refunds may only be issued within 72 hours of the purchase date. After 72 hours no refunds can be processed.

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